Rebekah Clarke

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I'm fundraising for Spinfluence!

I’m super excited about participating in SpinFluence, a 6-hour spin-a-thon to support Rise UP, a fantastic organisation dedicated to helping disadvantaged youth. This event combines three of my biggest passions: riding, raising money for charity, and a bit of healthy competition.

The Challenge: For six hours straight, my team and I will be pedalling our hearts out, riding as many kilometres as we can. It's going to be tough, but every spin of the wheel brings us closer to our goal.

Why Rise UP? Rise UP works tirelessly to provide opportunities and support for young people who need it most. By participating in this event, I aim to make a real difference in their lives. These kids deserve every chance to succeed, and with your help, we can give it to them.

My Goal: I've set an ambitious goal of raising $1,000 for this cause. Every dollar we raise will go directly towards programmes and resources that empower these young people to rise above their circumstances and achieve their full potential.

Why It Matters: Growing up isn't easy, especially when faced with additional challenges. Rise UP provides the tools, support, and encouragement these youth need to build a brighter future. Your donation can help provide educational resources, mentorship programmes, and so much more.

How You Can Help:

  • Donate: Every contribution, big or small, makes a difference. You can donate directly through my fundraising page.

  • Share: Spread the word about this event and my fundraising efforts. The more people who know, the greater impact we can have.

  • Join the Ride: If you're feeling adventurous, why not get a team together and sign up for SpinFluence. It's a great way to challenge yourself and support a worthy cause.

I'm incredibly excited about this event and the positive change we can create together. Let's make every kilometre count and help these kids rise to their full potential.

Thank you for your support!

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jojo M

You're one amazing lady!



Switch on Beast Mode!!


Ivan Dennis

Here's to another crazy adventure and good cause!



Get it Becs!!!


Kiri Clark

You are amazing and always make a difference. Go smash it!


Damo & Andrea Hoareau

Go Becks 💪


Donnarae Raukawa-doughty

Go Rebekah


Carl Dyet

Become a local legend!


Melissa Buchanan

GO GIRL 💪🏼 fitspo


Rebekah Clarke


Aj Scorringe




Rach & Sam

Go Rebekah!!! ❤️



Go girl!